Wednesday, August 26, 2009

a fragrance full of heart

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Jewels in a bottle! Jóias em frasco!

Black Tourmaline
Notes: Cardamom, coriander, cumin, frankincense, pepper, smoked wood, oud, leather, precious woods, musk, amber, moss, patchouli.
Notas: cardamomo, coentro, cominho, olíbano, pimenta, madeira queimada, oud, couro, madeiras preciosas, almíscar, âmbar, musgo e patchuli
You can find it at/vc pode encontrar em Luckyscent.
To Mr. Durbano, because he is so gentle!
Para o Sr. Durbano, por ser tão gentil!
Photo credits/crédito fotográfico: Olivier Durbano Parfums

Friday, August 21, 2009

Essas mulheres maravilhosas!These wonderful women!

As mulheres, suas personalidades e seus perfumes
A Gueixa
As gueixas, segundo as tradicões orientais são mulheres dedicadas a arte da música, do canto, da dança e da conversação. Seguindo rituais culturais e tradicionais milenares, elas nada tem em comum com prostitutas ou cortesãs, como por vezes são confundidas.
As gueixas jamais vendem sexo! Elas seduzem com seus gestos delicados, com o seu vasto conhecimento da poesia e da literatura, e pelo domínio do conhecimento de rituais como a cerimônia do chá ou das artes dramáticas.
A minha gueixa urbana é aquela mulher que possui uma aura artística muito forte. Ela está sempre perfumada, bem vestida. Só fala quando realmente tem algo de inteligente para compartilhar, e encanta a todos em sua volta com a sua delicadeza, sinceridade e educação.
Rodeada de amigos (as), ela sabe mimá-los (las) e se sentirem especiais.

Geishas, according to Eastern traditions are women dedicated to the art of music, song, dance and conversation. Following traditional and ancient cultural rituals, they have nothing in common with prostitutes or courtesans, as sometimes people tend to confuse them. Geishas never sell sex! They conquer everyone with their delicate gestures with their vast knowledge of poetry and literature, and the knowledge of rituals, like the tea ceremony or the dramatic arts. My urban geisha is one woman who has a strong artistic aura. She is always perfumed, well-dressed. Only speaks when it really has something intelligent to share, and charms everyone around her with her kindness, sincerity and education. Surrounded by friends, she knows spoil them and make them feel special.

Seu Perfume/her perfume: misteriosos, diferentes, criativos, complexos/mysterious, different, creative, complexes...
Nasomatto, Miya Shima, Kenzo, Mark Buxton, Biehl, Yosh, Veroprofumo...
A Mulher Fatal
Femme fatale
As mulheres fatais geralmente são estremamente bonitas ou sabem ser atraentes. Inteligentes e de personalidade calma, elas sabem seduzir o objeto de seu desejo com um simples olhar. Quando ela entra em qualquer recinto, todos olham para ela. Onde ela passa parece que passou um furacão. As mulheres a invejam, os homens a desejam.
A mulher fatal do cinema sempre foi a má, a que destrói a vida dos homens e seus casamentos. Ela usa e manipula os coitados, e eles se jogam aos seus pés, capazes de cometer loucuras por elas.
A minha mulher fatal é o tipo de mulher que arrasa onde quer que ela vai. A que tem uma beleza interior ou exterior que deixa os homens de quatro.(Deixo de lado o aspecto psicológico negativo e as psicopatias...). Ela é vaidosa e tem uma personalidade marcante. Ela não tem necessariamente os conotativos de beleza que a sociedade moderna impõe, mas ela sabe seus pontos fortes, e com eles ela joga. Ela sabe fazer uma entrada triunfal e sabe fazer com que seja lembrada.

Fatal women are usually extremely beautiful or attractive. Intelligent and with a calm personality, they know how to seduce the object of your desire with a simple look. When she walks into any room, everyone looks at her. Where she goes it seems that a hurricane just passed by. Women envy her, men desire her. The femme fatale of film has always been bad, the one who destroys the lives of men and their marriages. She uses and manipulates the poor victims, and they throw themselves at his feet, capable of doing the craziest things for her.

My femme fatale is the type of woman that makes furor wherever she goes. The one who is beautiful from the inside or outside and leaves men on four. (Putting aside the psychological negativity aspect and the psychopathies ...). She is vain and has a striking personality. She does not necessarily have the connotative beauty that modern society requires, but she knows their strong skills, and she plays with them. She knows how to make a grand entrance and know how to be remembered.

Seu perfume/her perfume: tem que seduzir, hipnotizar, deixar rastro/has to seduce, hypnotize, leave a trail...
Bulgari, Montale, Serge Lutens, Dior, Profvmvm Roma, by Kilian, L'Artisan Parfumeur...
A workaholic
É aquela mulher que acorda pensando no trabalho, não almoça e sempre é a que apaga a luz quando sai. Não tem vida própria, e não sabe disso, pois a sua vida é o trabalho. Sem vida social, no fim de semana ela costuma frequentar cursos, palestras e workshops. Namorado, marido e filhos nem pensar! Para ela, bebê é sinônimo de fraldas sujas e roupas babadas. . Sexo para ela é sempre casual, pois se envolver significa se comprometer, e ela não tem tempo para isso! Ela sempre está bem vestida, impecavelmente maquiada e perfumada. Afinal, desleixo para ela é sinal de incompetência.
She is the woman who wakes up thinking about work, never eats lunch, and that turns off the light when she leaves work. She has no personal life, she is not aware of it, because her life is work. She has no social life during the weekends and she often attend courses, lectures and workshops. Boyfriend, husband and children, no way! For her baby is synonymous of dirty diapers and clothes wet of drool. Sex for her is always casual, because to be involved means tocompromise, and she has no time for this! She is always well dressed, weraing make up and perfumed. After all, in her opinion, sloppiness is a sign of incompetence.
Seu perfume/her perfume: não compromete, apenas perfuma. Nada exótico ou muito destoante. Um cítrico, um floral suave. Muitas chegam a usar perfumes masculinos/ never compromises, Nothing exotic or too different. A citrus, a soft floral. Many wear fragrances for men.
Calvin Klein, Issey Miyake, Tommy Hilfiger, Bath and Body Works, Molton Brown...
A vampira
Os vampiros são seres fictícios, mortos - vivos que precisam do sangue humano para sobreviver. Seres da noite, eles dormem de dia para sair na busca de suas vítimas de noite.
Extremamente sedutores e poderosos, ninguém resiste a eles.
A minha mulher vampira, não bebe o sangue de ninguém, mas ela é da noite. Cai na balada quase todas as noites. Frequenta todas as festas e eventos. Conhece todos os porteiros de todos os clubes e todos os gatos da cidade. Ela gosta de acordar tarde e fica de mau humor se alguém liga para ela antes das duas num sábado. Está sempre com o cabelo e roupa da moda. E demora horas para finalizar uma produção, afinal ela gosta de arrasar onde quer que vai!

Vampires are fictional beings, half dead - alive half in the need human blood to survive. Creatures of the night, they sleep during the day to search their victims at night. Extremely seductive and powerful, no one can resist them. My vampire woman does not drink anyone’s blood, but she is a creature of the night. She clubs almost every night. Attends to all parties and social events. Knows all the doormen of all clubs, and all the gorgeous bachelors in the city. She likes to wake up late and turns grumpy if someone calls her before the two on a Saturday. She follows all hair and fashion trends, and takes hours to dress up, after all she likes to rock wherever she goes!

Seu perfume/ her perfume: tem que ser poderoso, sedutor, glamuroso/has to be powerful, seductive, glamourous.
Viktor & Rolf, Dior, Comme de Garçons, Gucci, Chanel, Diesel, D&G...
A dominatrix
Ela exerce um poder ilimitado sobre seu dominado.
Com roupas de couro ou látex, apetrechos para tortura e salto agulha, ela queima, corta, e humilha. Todos a obedecem. Sádica, ela dá prazer de uma forma doentia.
A minha dominatrix é o tipo de mulher que tem o poder nas mãos. Ela tem uma personalidade forte e impõe a todos suas vontades. Os homens são capazes de lamber o chão por onde ela passa. As mulheres se apoiam nela para tudo. Um tipo como a cantora Madonna.
Extremamente independente, descolada, maravilhosa e talentosa, mas um sargento quando se trata de filhos, maridos e amantes!

She has unlimited power over her slave. She wears clothes made of leather or latex, uses instruments and accessories for torture and stilettos. She burns, cuts, and humiliates. Everyone obeys her. Sadistic, she gives pleasure in an unhealthy way. My Dominatrix is the kind of woman who has the power in her hands. She has a strong personality and imposes all their wills. Men are could lick the ground where she passes by. Women rely on her for everything. Someone like Madonna, the singer. Extremely independent, hip, beautiful and talented, but a sergeant when it comes to children, husbands and lovers!

Seu perfume/her perfume: são fortes, marcantes, doces ou amadeirados. Ela gosta de impor seu cheiro a todos!/they are strong, long lasting, sweet or woody. she likes to impose sher smell to everyone!
Fendi, Paloma Picasso, Jean Paul Gaultier, Agent Provocateur, Etat Libre D'Orange...
A Dona de Casa
A perfeita dona de casa é aquela que passa 24 horas na função da família. Submissa e calada, ela faz tudo que o marido manda, afinal, ele é quem paga as contas. Esse era o conceito dos anos 50. A mulherzinha perfeita, de avental e sorriso fixo, mesmo quando o marido está pulando a cerca.
A minha dona de casa é moderna e descolada. Ela frequenta cursos de filosofia, desfiles de moda e festas. Tudo que ela faz, completa com perfeição. A casa é impecável, o carro e a prataria brilham, as unhas estão sempre bem feitas. Chique, maquiada e perfumada, ela seduz seu maridão, e se transforma na amante na cama. Avental, só se ela estiver sem calcinha por baixo e essa for uma fantasia sexual! Afinal, de boba ela não tem nada!!
Gerencia a casa e a família com os pés nas costas.

The perfect housewife is one who spends 24 hours doing things for the family. Submissive and quiet, she does everything her husband tells her to do, after all, he pays the bills. This was the concept of the 50's. The perfect woman with a fixed smile, even when the husband is cheating on her. My housekeeper is modern and cool. She attends courses in philosophy, goes to fashion shows and parties. Everything she does, she completes it with perfection. The house is impeccable, the car and the silver shine, the nails are always well done. Chic, and perfumed, she seduces her husband and becomes the lover in bed. Apron, only if it is without panties underneath and it belongs to a sexual fantasy! After all, she is not a fool.

Seu perfume/her perfume: sempre maravilhosos, chiques, clássicos ou modernos/always marvelous, chic, classic or modern.

Chanel, Bulgari, Armani, Annick Goutal, Dior, D&G, Diptyque, Biehl, Miller Harris, Mark Jacobs, Prada....
Que tipo de mulher você se considera e qual o seu perfume/quais são seus perfumes?
What type of woman you consider yourself and which is your fragrance (s)?

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Advertising on fragrances part I/Análise publicitária - Parte I

As marcas de perfumes investem milhões em campanhas publicitárias para lançamento e comercialização de suas fragrâncias. Uma simples foto tem que passar para o consumidor a idéia do perfume, sua inspiração, o sonho e a promessa que aquela fragrância está vendendo em forma líquida./ Perfume brands invest millions on advertising for new launches and sales of their fragrances. One single photo/ad must send the message to consumers of the idea behind the fragrance, its inspiration and the dream or promise the fragrance is selling in the liquid form.
Segue aqui alguns tipos de campanhas que eu selecionei/find here my selection od campaigns:
O vintage/The Vintage
Fuel for Life/Diesel
A Pop Art dos anos 60/Pop Art -60's
Be Delicious by DKNY
Pop original - Andy Wahol/Original Pop - Andy Wahol
Chanel nº5 by Chanel
A tropicália hippie dos anos 70/ the tropical hippie - 70's
Jean Paul Gaultier
Gliter das discotecas dos anos 70/Disco glitter - 70's
Gucci by Gucci
O gótico chic/The gothic chic
John Galliano
A provocante/The provocative
Hypnotic Poison by Dior
Envy by Gucci
Flower by Kenzo
Glamur Brega/The kitsch glamour
Siren by Hilton
Austero chique/The chic
Italian Cypress by Tom Ford
Jovem romântica/The girlie romantic
Miss Dior Chérie by Dior
Glamur clássico/Classic Glamour
Chanel Nº5 by Chanel
Alegre infantil/ Childish fun
Harajuko lover by Gwen S.
Alegre infantil/ Childish fun
L'eau Cheap & Chic by Moschino

Thursday, August 13, 2009


Meu objeto de desejo!!!/My object of desire!!!
Poopoo Pidoo by EgoFacto
Designers: Pierre Aulas & Dominique Ropion

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Imagem do mês/Image of the month

The cat on the roof. /O gato no telhado
Advertising by Ricci fragrances/ Publicidade da marca de fragrâncias de Nina Ricci
Photo credits:

Monday, August 10, 2009

My birthday list (to my family)

In the beginning of the month I celebrated my birthday. I am in such a good mood these days that I made one hundred of plans for that week. To have brunch with friends and family, to have lunch with female friends only, a weekend off at the beach, going dancing...
In the end I did something completely different from all the plans I had in my list. I prepared a wonderful dinner for my family, went shopping for a birthday present by myself in the morning and had a different haircut that week. I spoiled myself and I was great! Besides, I got huge kisses from the 2 loves of my life, and that was just what I wanted!
Than it came the idea of putting up a list of fragrances for birthday celebrations.
Clubbing with friends:
To go to a club requires quite a production in Sao Paulo. If you are to spend a little fortune to have fun for a couple of hours, it is imperative to make it unforgettable.
You are the birthday girl, the center of the attentions, so superlatives fragrances go very well, after all, allure is the key word!I though of glamourous fragrances to involve everyone around you and give that festive finishing touch in your production:
Zen by Shiseido -
Because it is pure gold. If you close your eyes and smell this fragrance you will certainly think of gold.
The one by Dolce Gabbana -
It is sexy and festive, and it will certainly makes you feel you are the one in the center of the attentions. It is very feminine and kinda exotic. The silage and fixation is perfect for dancing.
Bourdoir Jouy by Vivienne Westwood -
It is super feminine, elegant and it is also a celebration of 10 years of the original fragrance.
With notes of red peony, jasmine and orris, this fragrance has an intense floral bouquet.
Weekend at the beach:
Relaxing or very active, it would be nice if you are now experiencing summer. Since here is winter and the weekend of my b-day the sun was shinning weakly, I gave up the idea. But if you feel like doing it - here are my thoughts for the perfumes.
Kate Summer time by Kate Moss -
A sparking fresh fragrance for summer. Néroli, bitter orange, galbanum and roses are very inspiring and a different idea to wear during the weekend.
L'erbolario - Bergamotto - Crema vitaminica - It is very and very nutritive for the skin also great after a sun bath. The skin will fell silk and perfumed for hours.
Lunch with the girls:
It is always fun to gather the best female fiends and chat while eating great food, but i have done that last year...
Mademoiselle Chanel by Chanel-
Just because I loooove it so much!
Summer by Kenzo -
It is one of these fragrances that makes you happy.
It is warm, soapy and romantic. Full of charm and sunshine. Great for lunch and afternoons.
Miss Dior Chérie L'EAU -
Floral fruit, a little bit gourmet, but not so heavy, it has a freshness that it is invigorating.
Brunch with friends and family:
Since some of my relatives like to spend the morning the Garfield style and wake up very late, i decided that the idea was good but maybe dinner instead of brunch.
As for the fragrances to wear...I think that will depend on your personality. Some women cannot wear pronounced fragrances in the morning, some can.
Petite Chérie and Un Matin D'Orange by Annick Goutal are 2 delicate fragrances that will bring a festive and cheerful aura to your celebration.
Escale à Portofino by Dior - fresh and chic.
OBS.: All these fragrances have a fresh start that later on develops to a heavier accord, so it is perfect for a brunch that will start late in the morning and finishes only after lunch!
If you can wear a fragrance that has stronger notes and less freshness, Ormonde Woman by Ormonde Jayne is very elegant. It is mysterious and seductive, but it has a woody accord that somehow goes well with pastries, cakes, teas and hot chocolates!
Anyways, no matter how you are going to celebrate your birthday, the most important thing to remember is to be happy that you are alive, healthy, full of energy and productive. It doesn't matter who will remember to call you or give you a gift. This year make it totally personal: buy yourself a gift, be emotionally independent and take responsibility for your own happiness.
I chose Ormonde Woman by O.Jayne to wear in my b-day because it was cold that night and it has a comforting, cocooning soft and involving effect.
I took a long hot shower with the shower gel the perfumer has given me last year. It made me feel special, feminine and très chic! A few drops of the perfume, nice (but not too fancy clothes), and a natural/almost no make up (because I still can!!!!) make up production and I was ready to serve the delicious dinner I had earlier prepared for my close relatives, husband and son. Because after all, these are the people who I trully love to spend time with.
The fragrance is unique, like I was feeling that week. It is glamourous without shouting for attention, it is very seductive and perfect for later, when the relatives are already gone...

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Museu Dior em versão pocket no Iguatemi

Convite da exposição
Renata Ashcar é uma dessas pessoas iluminadas que consegue unir uma paixão de infância com trabalho. Amante do design e das fragrâncias, Renata é a curadora do museu do perfume em Curitiba, autora do Guia Loreal de perfumes, e dos livros BrasilEssencia e Banhos Histórias e Rituais. Sua última realização é simplesmente fantástica: ela é a responsável por uma incrível versão pocket do museu Dior.
A exposição Parfums Christian Dior que está aberta ao público de 31 de julho a 09 de agosto no 3º piso do Shopping Iguatemi, em São Paulo reúne num pequeno espaço a grandiosidade de um gênio da Haute Couture francesa.
Renata Ashcar (ao meio)- especialista em fragrâncias e curadora da exposição
Vídeos explicativos contam sobre a vida do costureiro e sobre suas criações. Da sua infância em Granville ao sucesso da Maison Dior, o visitante da exposição poderá viajar no tempo e conhecer em pouco tempo, uma longa vida de criações e glamur.
Dior ontem...
E hoje.
Como tudo que Renata faz, a exposição é mágica e traz para perto dos nossos olhos, uma vida de desenvolvimento de fragrâncias que marcaram época, tais como Miss Dior, Eau Sauvage, Poison, Fahrenheit e J'Adore!
Poster vintage do famoso Eau Sauvage de Edmond Roudnistska
Alain Delon /1966
Rebelde e Irreverente
Uma sala de visitas de estilo retrô foi montada para recriar o clima do ateliê do mestre.
A exposição tem uma seriedade, um luxo, e uma delicadeza que somente Renata Ashcar poderia materializar.
Vale a pena conferir neste fim de semana!
Shopping Iguatemi:
Av. Brigadeiro Faria Lima, 2232 - Jardim Paulistano
São Paulo S.P.
Conheça o museu Dior em Granville clicando aqui.
fotos concedidas por Renata Ashcar.

Sunday, August 2, 2009


I love to see designers playing with shapes, textures and themes.
Sometimes it is called Limited Edition, sometimes it is just laziness and lack of imagination, but sometimes it is a brand image consolidation.
Humans like to collect things. Since we are little kids we start to collect stamps, rocks, comic books, baseball cards, shells etc... why not to collect flacons?
Some brands like Comme de Garçons, Bond Nº9 and Varvatos have amazing flacons!
Check those out:
Eu amo ver como alguns designers brincam com formas, texturas e temas.
Algumas vezes isso é chamado de edição limitada, algumas vezes é pura preguiça e falta de imaginação. Mas algumas outras é uma forma de consolidar uma marca.
Nós os humanos adoramos colecionar coisas. E começamos nossas coleções desde pequenos.Quem nunca colecionou selos, figurinhas, conchas, caixinhas, revistinhas, pedras etc...? E porque não frascos de perfumes?
Algumas marcas como Comme de Garçons, Bond Nº9 e Varvatos possuem frascos lindíssimos! Dê uma olhadinha nesses:
Bond Nº9 New York Art Collection/Obras de arte da Bond Nº9 New York
The Varvatos Collection/A coleçãoVarvatos
Comme de Garçons beauties/belezinhas da Comme de Garçons
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