The Gallic rooster (French: le coq gaulois) is a national symbol of France as a nation and its history, land and culture. (Its association with France is due to the play on words inLatin between Gallus, meaning an inhabitant of Gaul, and gallus, meaning rooster, or cockerel. Although its use in France dates to the Middle Ages, it gained particular popularity during the french revolution, and has been a national emblem ever since. (from WIKI). To read more about ti, click HERE.
Marianne, a national emblem of France, is by extension, an allegory of Liberty and Reason. She represents France as a state, and its values (representing France as a nation and its history, land and culture). She is displayed in many places in France and holds a place of honors in town halls and law courts. She symbolizes the "Triumph of the Republic", a bronze sculpture overlooking the Place de la Nation in Paris. (from WIKI). You can read more about her by clicking HERE.
The madeleine or petite madeleine is a traditional small cake from Commercy and Liverdun, two communes of the Lorraine region in northeastern France. Madeleines are very small sponge cakes with a distinctive shell-like shape acquired from being baked in pans with shell-shaped depressions. Aside from the traditional moulded pan, commonly found in stores specialising in kitchen equipment and even hardware stores, no special tools are required to make madeleines.(from WIKI). To read more about these delicious sponge cakes HERE.
to be continued...
Lovely post! You've made me want to go out and get some madeleines.
Me too!!!
This is the first part of the article..I will continue to port more till tomorrow!
linked you darling!
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