Wednesday, January 27, 2010

10 perfumes to uplift the mood - Rainy days can have a drop of sunshine!/10 perfumes para dias chuvosos!

This summer in Brazil all we can talk about is "the rain". It became an entity, like a being with will and power of relaxation or destruction, depending on its mood.
I even thought of a survival kit: a rubber duck, a pair of Wellington rain boots, clothespins (for the ones who can dive without holding the nose), plastic underwear, a complete instant powder meal and a fragrance with the smell of summer sunny days.
Neste verão brasileiro o assunto mais em voga é a chuva. Parece que ela veio para ficar. A certo ponto acho que já se tornou uma identidade com personalidade própria. Ela vem a hora que quer, como quer, e molha quem quer que seja. Se tem vontade de nos ajudar a relaxar, ela vem de mansinho, fininha e perdura horas a fio. Se quer nos aterrorizar, vem de repente. Grossa, pesada, barulhenta. Por mais rápida que seja, faz um estrago danado.
Eu já montei um kit de sobrevivência para esse verão: patinho de borracha, galochas chiquérrimas - Wellington para Jimmy Choo (afinal, se é o único calçado que não estraga na chuva, além das Melissas e Havainas, vale apena investir!), pregador de roupas (caso você seja daquelas que precisa segurar o nariz com a mão para afundar), roupa íntima de plástico, uma refeição completa instantânea (tipo sopa e macarrão Knorr, Maggi etc...), e é lógico, uma fragrância com o cheiro do verão e de dias mais mornos.
Hunter boots for Jimmy Choo - rain & style
Galochas Wellington para Jimmy Choo - chuva & estilo
For the optimistic (the ones who always see the half full glass) rain can be romantic: Sharing an umbrella with someone you love is always a good excuse to hold each other. Watch a movie with him/her when it is raining can be a very nice way of enjoying your date.
They can list a number of positive things to relate to rain:
Rain can be seen as a very relaxing thing: Listening to the drops falling on the window can sooth stress and induce sleep, rain is the primary source for natural fresh water. It moistures the atmosphere, it freshens up hot summer days, it is crucial for agriculture, also crucial for lakes and rivers, etc...
But we know there are some people who can look only at the empty half of the glass (the one without a single drop of water in it). To them, rain means floods, lives and houses lost, staying at home again, major traffic jams, weekend ruined, mold, laundry won't dry in time, etc...
Para os otimistas (aqueles que enxergam a metade cheia do copo) a chuva é muito romântica: dividir um guarda chuva com alguém... a chuva é sempre uma boa desculpa para usar e ficar mais pertinho daquela pessoa que você ama; assitir um filme embaixo das cobertas e aproveitar para ficar em casa namorando...
A chuva também pode ser bem relaxante: escutar os pingos de água ajuda a relaxar e a se desligar dos problemas. Logo logo o soninho aparece!
Vamos também lembrar de que a chuva é a primeira fonte de água fresca, deixa o ar mais refrescante, é crucial para a agricultura e alimenta os rios e lagos.
Agora, sempre tem o outro lado da moeda, ou metade vazia do mesmo copo. Aqueles que só pensam em coisas negativas! Para eles chuva é sinônimo de inundações, mortes, casa perdidas, trânsito intenso, ficar micado em casa de novo, mofo, roupa que não seca, etc...etc...etc...
Confesso que depois de um certo tempo surge uma leve deprê.
Como os americanos denominam este tipo de humor? Blues.
Also, some of us (the optimistic) after a long period of wet gray days do start to feel a little bit depressed, or as we is commonly name it "having the blues/being blue". The difference is that we find ways to improve the our mood, since the rain won't stop, even if you are complaining about it 24/7!!! Enough people!!! Let's move on and think about other ways to amuse ourselves, rather than talking about how much it rained for the last 24 hours!
A great idea is to listen to happy energizing music, wear colorful clothes, socialize with friends and family (even if it has to be indoors), try spicy food, practice a lot of exercise, try different things, buy an interesting book, and most of all trick yourself and fool your mood with fragrances.
Last year I presented you a list of 10 fragrances to uplift your mood. I am bringing the list here again this year, and adding more fragrances to it.
They are luminous perfumes. they have sunshine or summer in their concepts. they bring raw materials that enhance good mood. They are a must have if you are a little bit down.
So let's close the umbrellas, switch rain drops to perfume drops and smile!!
Todos nós, após um longo tempo mergulhados em dias molhados e cinzas, nos tornamos sujeitos a leves tristezas.
A diferença está no modo de tratá-la. Abrace o guarda chuva. Respire fundo! Falar 24 horas sobre como a chuva está arruinando São Paulo e o seu verão não vai espantá-la. Chuva não tem medo de cara feia!
Algumas idéias simples podem fazer a diferençaa: aproveitar para colocar a casa em ordem, reciclar seu repertório de filmes e livros, reunir amigos, ouvir músicas alegres, usar roupas coloridas, praticar exercícios, fazer coisas inéditas, comer comidas temperadas, etc...Vá a lugares abrigados, como livrarias, cinemas, cafés. Engane seu humor. Use fragrâncias que iluminam, que imitam o verão, ou que dão sensação de calor, que melhoram o seu estado emocional deprê.
No ano passado eu fiz uma lista bacana de 10 perfumes para enganar dias chuvosos e melhorar o humor. Este ano eu aumentei a lista com novas fragrâncias.
Troque gotas de chuva por gotas de perfume! E sorria. Ainda que um sorriso desanimado. Ele vai alargar quando você menos esperar. Afinal, nós estamos no verão!!!!
2010 List/Lista de 2010
Photo credit/crédito fotográfico: Aedes de Venustas
1. Cote D'Amour EDT by L'Artisan Parfumeur - Created by Céline Ellena, this fragrance has the smell of sand castles, sea breeze, shell, coconut and summer vacation in the Atlantic Loire.
Notes of green mandarine, pink grapefruit, rosemary, everlasting dune flowers, cypress, gorse flowers, coconut, rose, honey flavored heather, floating woods, broom, and pine.
It is salty sweet, totally natural, very sensual and with a special summer aura. You close your eyes and you imagine house beaches, sailing boats, lighthouses etc... a blue, red, white dream! This fragrance can be found at Aedes de Venustas.
Cote D'Amour EDT by L'Artisan Parfumeur - Criado pela fantástica perfumista Céline Ellena, esta fragrância tem o cheiro de castelos de areia, brisa marítma, conchas, côco e férias de verão no Loire Atlântico.
Com notas de mandarina, toranja, alecrim, flores de duna, cipreste, côco, rosa, pinho madeira flutuante, podocystisus ( um tipo de arbusto da Nova Zelândia e do Mediterrâneo, parecido com ládano e tojo), tojo ( um tipo de mato típico da mata atlântica).
Este perfume é salgado e doce ao mesmo tempo. Totalmente natural e muito sensual, com uma aura especial de verão. Quando você fecha os olhos logo surgem imagens de casas na praia, barcos a vela, faróis e marinheiros, roupas listradas de branco, azul e vermelho.
Quando borrifei a primeira vez, senti uma primeira nota mineralizada, com cheiro de asfalto molhado de água do mar evaporando. Voltei logo para a minha infância e fui buscar na memória a saída da praia para almoçar. Atravessar o calçadão e sentir este mesmo cheiro de praia "evaporando" no cimento e no asfalto pegando fogo. O cheiro de areia esquentando no sol, o cheiro mineral das conchas... É um perfume fantástico. e mais uma prova de que Céline Ellena é a mestra das fragrâncias salgadas! Esta fragrância pode ser encontrada no site Aedes de Venustas
2. Ananas Fizz EDT by L'Artisan Parfumeur - Sparkling, colorful, radiant. A summer cocktail that uplifts the soul and bring party moods. A fizziness to tickle your nose, makes you smile. Exotic tropical scents makes you travel.Cocktail makes you want to celebrate summer!
Notes of pink grapefruit, lemon rind, bitter orange, bergamot, rum, Victoria pineapple, lychee sap, creamy cocoa milk, cedar, precious woods and vanilla. I was never a fan of fruity cocktail perfumes but this one stands out. It is delicate and special. Made me smile, and that made the difference! You can find this fragrance at Aedes de Venustas
Ananas Fizz EDT by L'Artisan Parfumeur - Borbulhante, brilhante, colorido e radiante. Um coquetél de verão que dá um toque de festa e melhora o humor. Notas tropicais exóticas nos faz viajar para ilhas Caribenhas, notas borbulhantes fazem cócegas e nos induzem a sorrir. Coquetéis nos obrigam a celebrar o verão!
Notas de toranja, rodelas de limão, bergamota, laranja amarga, rum, abacaxi, lichia, creme de cacau, cedro, madeiras preciosas e vanilla.
Eu nunca fui devota aos perfumes do tipo mistura tropical, mas este é especial. Delicado, discreto e me fez rir (o mais importante!).
Você pode encontrar esta fragrância no site Aedes de Venustas.
photo credit/crédito fotográfico: Ineke
3. After my own heart EDP by Ineke - Inspired by lilacs floating on the breeze of the coming evening at the beach.
Note of bergamot, raspberry, crisp green foliage, lilac, sandalwood, heliotrope, musk.
A delicate flowery fragrance bringing freshness and promises. promises of a fantastic closure for a wonderful day at the beach. A picture of a sunset, footprints on the sand of an empty beach (marks left of a crowded day at seashore), sandals on the hands, wet hair( with the scent of recently washed with a flowery shampoo), a cotton dress lost in the wind. A cold breeze bringing couples together... this perfume can lead you to dream that you really had a fantastic day at the beach on a summer vacation and that the evening is about to start.
You can find this fragrance at the brand's site INEKE
For a complete review of this fragrance click here to Perfume Shrine, a blog that has wonderful fragrances reviews.
After my own heart EDP by Ineke - Inspirado em lilases flutuando na brisa da orla marítima com a chegada do entardecer, esta fragraância foi desenvolvida por Ieke, uma perfumista independente de São Francisco.
Com notas de lilás, notas verdes frescas, framboesas, heliotropina, sândalo e musks (almíscar).
Esta fragrância floral delicada traz a sensação de um dia bem aproveitado na praia. Andar no final da tarde na areia molhada, sandálias nas mãos, cabelos molhados com cheiro de shampoo floral, vestido de algodão levinho esvoaçando, um leve arrepio quando o vento sopra mais forte sobre a pele queimada de sol. Andar de mãos dadas e ainda poder ver as marcas de pés na areia (memória de um dia de praia cheia), planos para a noite...
Esta fragrância trouxe a aura de um final de tarde na praia e a vontade de continuar se divertindo noite a dentro.
Esta fragrância pode ser encontrada no site da marca INEKE.
4. Caprifoglio EDP by Santa Maria Novella - The smell of sun lotion. The smell of a beautiful flower bouquet and honeysuckle. A day at the beach. Sensual, warm, flowery. Amazing perfume!
Notes of Calabrian bergamot, Sicilian lemon, sweet orange, freesia, ylang ylang, magnolias, lotus flower, benjoin and moss. You can find it at Aedes de Venustas.
Caprifoglio EDP by Santa Maria Novella - fragrância que lembra protetor solar e um buquê de flores. Tem a cara do verão, tem cheiro de praia. Super sensual e chique. Além de trazer a aura do verão, levantará seu ego e seu humor muito rápido. Laranja, bergamota e Ylang são estimulantes do humor e do amor. Você poderá encontrar este perfume em uma das lojas da SMN, no shopping Iguatemi (S.P) ou nos Jardins.
5. Chèvrefeuille EDT by Annick Goutal - Notes of wild narcissus, lemon, petit grain, fresh green notes and a touch of jasmine.
This perfume evoques the sun and the perfumer's childhood in the gardens of provence.
it has a sparkling start, green and fresh. The honeysuckle brings an aura of yellows, of pollen, of warm summers and blooming springs. You can find this fragrance at the brand's site.
Chèvrefeuille EDT by Annick Goutal - Notas de narciso selvagem, limão, petit grain, notas verdes frescas e um toque de jasmim.
Este perfume evoca o sol. Dias de verão ou de primavera em flor. Cores amarelas vibrantes surgem após notas frescas e verdes. Pólen, pássaros, jardins encantados... Este perfume traz bom humor, alegria e jovialidade. Eu uso constantemente e me sinto muito alegre com este perfume. Altamente recomendado. Você pode encontrá-lo em várias perfumarias: Shopping Morumbi, Shopping Iguatemi, na Caléche, Fauré etc...
photo credits/crédito fotográfico: Shiseido
6. Zen EDP by Shiseido - This fragrance was created to improve emotional well being. It is a perfume with a golden aura. It is luminescent gold in motion. Energetic, luxurious. It brings an uplifting sensation and a happiness of golden days.
Notes of bergamot, grapefruit, blue rose, peach, pineapple, freesia, gardenia, red apple, lotus flower, Chinese rose, lily-of-the-valley, violet, Hyacinth, sandalwood, cedar wood, patchouli, amber, incense, white musk, skin musk and marine note.
I bought this perfume because the first whiff on the air I picture gold glitter floating. It is indeed an olfactive experience of the precious metal. It brings allure. It is festive and cheerful. It can change your mood with a single drop. You can find it in my favorite shop Essenza Nobile or at any Shiseido retailer all over the world.
Zen EDP by Shiseido - Esta fragrância é ouro puro. Criada para cuidar do bem estar, com os princípios de aromaterapia, cada borrifada a cor dourada e a felicidade. Energético, luxuoso, intenso e muito marcante. Eu comprei este perfume pois quando borrifei pela primeira vez na loja, eu literalmente vi a cor dourada na minha frente se materializar. Foi incrível!
Notas de toranja, rosa azul, rosa chinesa, pêssego, abacaxi, frésia, gardenia, maçã vermelha, flor de lótus, lírio-do-vale, violetas, jacinto, sândalo, cedro, almíscar branco, almíscar skin, ámbar, patchouli e notas marinhas. Você poderá encontrar esta fragrância em vária perfumarias. Ela é muito fácil de encontrar, portanto seja onde estiver, pergunte para a vendedora. nem preciso indicar uma em especial.
Já ouviu a expressão "dourar a pílula"? Então, doure seu mau-humor, sua tristeza!
7. Confetto EDP By Profumum Roma - Sugary, clever, radiante, naive, festive. Brings the aura of our childhood. sweet memories. But we have grown-up...
Notes of amber, musk, candied almonds and anise. Try also Acqua e Zucchero, also sweet and fun. This is the most modern & classy Italian perfume brand I know! It belongs to my dearest friend Felice. You can see the shop and reviews in the blog from last year.
Confetto EDP By Profumum Roma - doce, radiante, ingênuo, festivo e muito especial. Traz a aura das brincadeiras infantis, memórias da infância. Mas nós já estamos crescidinhas... Experimente também Acqua e Zucchero.
Profumum Roma é a marca italiana mais chique e mais moderna que eu tenho conhecimento. Pertence ao meu amigo Felice. Veja no blog fotos da loja, avaliação de fragrâncias etc...
8. PC 02 EDP for Biehl - Created by Patricia Choux for Biehl's perfume Gallery, it is inspired by circus, cotton candy and high spirits.
Notes of bergamot, white lavender, cardamom, spices, peony, freesia, precious woods, patchouli, tonka beans, honey and musk.
It is a delicious sugary fragrance. Sweetness comes with freshness. It is very creamy, very warming and brings a sense of secureness. It is not a summer fragrance, and it does not bring a sunny aura. But it does improve the mood and brings confort! In the same concept of the 2 fragrances listed above in number 7. You can find this fragrance at Luckyscent
PC 02 EDP for Biehl - criado por Patricia Choux para a galeria de perfumes de Thorsten Biehl, é um perfume inspirado no circo, em algodão doce e aparentemente, arroz doce com canela!
Com notas de bergamota, lavanda branca, cardamomo, especiarias, peônias, frésias, madeiras preciosas, patchouli, fava tonka, mel e musk (almíscar).
É uma fragrância deliciosamente doce. Começa com notas frescas que logo evaporam dando lugar ao famoso pudim cremoso ou arroz doce, para nós brasileiros. Lembra um pouco um perfume da Lolita Lempicka - Fleur de Corail. Nada tem de luminoso ou algo que lembre o verão, porém traz segurança e conforto. Algumas mulheres quando estão deprimidas, comem chocolates e doces. Indo nesta linha, ao invés de engordar, borrife perfumes doces gourmets e se sinta melhor! Vai no mesmo conceito dos perfumes do número 07 da lista.
9. Lyra solid perfume by Roxana Illuminate Perfume - Lyra is inspired by an effervescent twilight on the seashore. Created to warm the soul is perfect for this list. Think of summer days, beaches and warm the soul that is so cold with heavy showers. Citrus notes, tropical flowers (jasmine and ylang) and an amber base makes this delicate solid a must! According to the perfumer it contains more than 20 essential oils, absolutes and CO2 extractions. Although many describe it as a autumn fragrance, it does work on the purpose of warming the soul, embrace the heart and make us feel nurtured and loved. The blues have to go away with this creamy potion!You can find it at Roxana's site.
Lyra solid perfume by Roxana Illuminate Perfume - Lyra é um perfume natural na forma sólida, criado pela minha amiga Roxana, da Califórnia. Uma argentina com muito bom gosto para fragrâncias e para design. Este perfume é inspirado num crepúsculo borbulhante na orla marítma. De marinho ele nada tem. Porém foi criado para aquecer a alma e o coração. notas cítricas, flores tropicais - como o ylang e o jasmim, e uma base de âmbar, são alguns dos 20 elementos deste perfume. Para comprá-lo entre no site da perfumista.
10. Diptyque L'Eau de neroli - Eau de Cologne by Diptyque - a fragrance that is sensual and joyful, inspired by Tuscany, La dolce vita and summer suns.
Notes of bergamot, petit grain, verbena, tarragon, neroli, orange blossom, Egyptian geranium, bee wax, white musk and cedar wood.
Classic, elegant and clean, like all classic colognes must be! This fragrance can be found at Luckyscent
Diptyque L'Eau de neroli - Eau de Cologne by Diptyque - Colônia com cheiro de Mediterrâneo, de Toscana, de Dolce vita e verões de arrebatar corações!
Notas de petit grain, bergamota, estragão, verbena, neroli, flor de laranjeira, gerânio egípcio, cera de abelha, almíscar branco e cedro.Clássico, elegante, limpo, sensual, como todas as colônias clássicas italianas. Refresca, perfuma e deixa a alma limpa. esta fragrância pode ser encontrada no site Luckyscent.
2009 List/Lista de 2009
1. Champaca by Ormonde Jayne - Neroli, Freesia, Bamboo, Green Tea, Basmati, Pink Pepper, Myrrh, Musk (creamy; neroli enhance mood)./neroli, frésia, bambú, chá verde, arroz basmati, pimenta rosa, mirra, musk - perfume cremoso; neroli melhora o humor.
2. Jil Sanders Sun Perfume by Jil Sunders - Bergamot, Orris, Ylang Ylang, Lemon, Heliotrope, Carnation, Orange Blossom, Cedar, Vanilla, benzoin, Tonka (floral; Ylang makes the blues sing)./bergamota, orris, ylang ylang, limão, heliotropina, cravo, flor de laranjeira, cedro, vanilina, benjoin, cumarina. - perfume floral; ylang traz segurança e bom humor.
3. Island by Michaels Kors - Pineapple, Clementine, Hawaiian Ginger Lilies & Jasmine (fruity; reminds of summer)./abacaxi, clementina, lírio-gengibre do Havaí, jasmim - perfume floral-frutal; lembra verão.
4. Le nuits d'Hadrien by Annick Goutal - Green mandarine, Tangerine, Bergamot, Sicilian lemon, Ylang ylang, Cumin, White musk, Amber, Vanilla (citrusy-flowery; reminds of summer nights' fresh wind)./mandarina, tangerina, bergamota, limão siciliano, ylang ylang, cominho, musk branco, ambar, vanila - perfume cítrico floral, lembra o vento noturno de noites de verão.
5. Scale à Portofino by Dior - Bergamot, Citron, Petit Grain, Orange Blossom, Juniper, Almond, Cypress, Cedar, Galbanum, Caraway, Musks (citrusy-flowery; bergamot enhaces good mood)/ bergamota, limão, petit grain, flor de laranjeira, junípero, amêndoas, cipreste, cedro, gálbano, musk - perfume cítrico floral; bergamota traz bom humor.
6. Elixir de Marveilles by Hermès - Orange notes, chocolate, Creamy, Ambergris, Oak, Sandalwood, Balms, Cedar, Patchouli, Frankincense, Vanilla, Patchouli, Tonka (heavy gourmet to nourish the blues)./notas de laranjas, chocolate, nota cremosa, ambargris, madeiar, sândalo, bálsamo, cedro, patchuli, olíbano, vanila, cumarina - perfume gourmet pesado para dar sensacnao de segurança e conforto.
7. Kenzo Amour Le Parfum by Kenzo - Frangipanni, Frankincense, rice, Vanilla notes, Amber Woody notes (flowery misterious uplifts the mood)./ frangipani, arroz, vanila, ambar, notas de madeiras - perfume floral, misterioso,; melhora o humor, traz felicidade.
8. Ma Dame by Jean Paul Gaultier - Orange Zest, Granadine, Fresh Rose, Floral notes, Cedar, Musk (cocktail party; festive like summer parties)./casca de laranja, granadine, rosa fresca, notas florais, cedro, musk - perfume coquetél,; festivo como as festas de verão.
9. Frangipani by Ormonde Jayne - Liden Blossom, Lime peel, Magnolia, White frangipani, Jasmine, Rose, Tuberose absolute, water lillies, plum, Green orchid Oil, Amber, Musk, Cedar, French Vanilla extracts (heavy flower; pure tropical extract!)./casca de limão, magnólia, frangipani branco, jasmim, absoluto de tuberosa, líro do brejo, ameixa, óleo de orquídia verde, ambar, musk, cedro, extratos de vanila francesa - perfume floral pesado - pura essência dos trópicos.
10.Very Irresistible Summer by Givenchy - Roses, Verbena, Star Anise (flowery; roses make us feel secure)./rosa, verbena e anis estrelado - perfume floral; rosas nos fazem se sentir seguros e felizes.
Watch the new advertising film for O Boticário campaign - Umbrella by AlmapBBDO - Beauty is contagious (so is happiness!!!)
Assista a nova campanha do Boticário Guarda Chuva - AlmapBBDO - A beleza contagia (a felicidade também!)
obs1: all these fragrances were tested and approved by + Q Perfume Blog as 5 stars fragrances in a scale where:
Todas essas fragrâncias foram testadas e aprovadas por + Q Perfume Blog e catalogadas como 5 estrelas, onde:
5 stars - happiness for sure
5 estrelas - felicidade com certeza
4 stars - smiles are there I can see it
4 estrelas - os sorrisos estão aí
3 stars - a small smile at the corner of the lips to about to show
3 estrelas - um pequeno sorriso de canto de boca
2 stars - at least you moved your butt out of bed
2 estrelas - pelo menos você caiu fora da cama
1 star - listen to the blues brothers my friend!
1 estrela - coloca os irmãos cara de pau e ouça blues!
obs2: all these fragrances were purchased, received as a gift from a friend, or sampled from brands and on line shops.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Olfactive future - Part 02

As you could see in my first article, fragrance can be used in many applications, to many purposes.
I decided to explore this subject a little bit more because I am intrigued with our olfactive future.
Will over exposure diminish our sense of smell? Are we going to have more educated nose? What is the future for fragrances and scents?
Are we exploring them enough or there are many other ways that we haven't thought about it?
So many questions!!!
Meanwhile I am presenting ideas that in my opinion are avant garde, meaning, they are stepping into the future. Most of them are related to art.
Brazil scented Carnival Celebration
Carnival in Brazil, spelled Carnaval, is a feast celebrated 40 days before Easter. It comes from the term to remove meat, and therefore period of time when Christians abstained from eating meat and poultry. It became the biggest public celebration of the world and the most important holiday in Brazil. Millions of tourists arrive in the country every year to dance or to watch the Samba school parades.
In 2008, Rosas de Ouro - a Carnival school from São Paulo - was so interested in the world of fragrances that they decided to pick them to be the subject of their show that year.
Teamed up with fragrance house Symrise, the staff of the school was introduced to the art of fragrances, and were assisted by fragrance house creative team to implement scheme for the show.
The in house perfumer, Magali Lara created and developed a fragrance called " Rain on me" that was sprayed during the school's parade. A fragrance with fresh top notes, magical flowers as middle notes and exotic woods with a hint of honey as base notes.
The samba theme of the school spoke about fragrances and its history:
"The dancing odor, essence of flowers
Perfuming the sacred writings
By heaven, I went in the form of prayer
Seduce the ancient civilizations
Crossed, the sacred
After a long journey
In the old world came
And every noble allure
Perfume of roses in the air
Passion that makes you dream
Its rose essence with a "Q" Magic*
City light of sweethearts
Which leads me
The cure for those convicted of love ....
In my Brazil
I fancy the imperial crown
And today in Carnival
I know that my future is here
In my floor aroma contagious
And the sound of my battery
I will conquer you
Turning to Bahia
Makes me delirious (Ô Iaiá)
I Rosas de Ouro
Eternal aroma
Our show will begin"

* A Brazilian expression to say " a touch" of something - but it is the Q letter related to fragrances - I like it!!! Just like + Q perfume Blog!

Odors, scents and different angles of understanding the sense of smell
From Henry Ford's point of view...
photo credit:
Sissel Toolas is a scent artist or as many call her, "an odor artist". She calls herself a professional provocateur.
As the New York Times mentioned, she is one of the most controversial personalities in the fragrance industry. When she is not creating for Volvo, H&M, Procter & Gamble, Ikea or Margiela, she is collecting scents and odors for her international library, a collection of more than 7,000 scents that she has been harvesting since 1990.
She speaks many languages and has developed one called Nasalo - the language of smells. As a result of her studies of smell and language, smell and communication. She created the alphabet of smell that started from a neutral position. Toolas has been capturing smells and keeping them, labeling with criteria. And since we have more smells than words...the project seems endless to me! She has also collecting the smell of cities such as Paris, Berlin, Stockholm, London, Mexico City and many others.
An interesting work she developed was an art exhibit for MIT arts center in 96, called the fear of smell...the smell of fear. She collected sweat from different donors all over the world and encapsulated them to produce a gloss paint that releases scent when touched. So when visitors came, they could touch it and smell human skin and the scent of bodily odors. It was her way to express how we are scent blinded. Overloaded with fragrances in a way that we are insensible to our own unadulterated body smells, and what they sent signs for.
Researching on body odors and scents is not new, but the concept of having a library of scents, from dirty toys to rotten bananas is in my opinion, fantastic!
Scent branding is also not new. It comes from the eighties as I researched, but you will find out here, about a Brazilian lady, that started it in the 70's, way before everyone thought of it! But the way Toolas research to create scented logos is different. The approach is very uncommon.
But questioning this obsession for cleanness that we have, questioning if there is only good and bad in the world of scent is genius. I loved Toolas from the first time I read about her.
She tested one a scent on her skin in a diplomatic dinner with Brazilian Ambassadors called guy No.3 (with the smell of BO). Dressed like a princess, she smelled like BO! That is one field research that is so shocking & hilarious at the same time!
She has also teamed up with photographer Nick Knight ( in a project called Violence, to launch a fragrance of the world's first fragrance on line (as described by the site). The project is disturbing, but somehow interesting. He wants to capture the scent of his violent days as a skinhead (he was in the past). Although Visionaire has a project like that, and I mentioned here before (they launched an edition also with a fragrance with the scent of violence); what he wished to do is something different. You can read all about it in the site and in his blog - the development of the fragrance and all the inside details of the process, even the conversations between photographer and Toolas. I enjoyed it very much, although skinhead movements is not something that I would EVER support or even consider to relate to, but I must bring fragrances in various applications. Still, it seemed to me very interesting.
She has sparkling ideas, such as giving a lecture to Harvard Graduate School of design about Ecological Urbanism, presenting scents. Before she started to lecture, she passed by a paper blotter with the smell that she described as "the smell of Communism".
Scents, visuals and experiences
Visionaire 42
photo credit: Visionaire
Visionaire 42 is one of the many editions of extremely creative fashion and art albums, that are published 3 times a year. Each edition is about a different theme. Number 42 was about scent. Teamed up with fragrance house IFF, Visionaire brought together 21 original scents such as softness, hunger, fear, electricity, mother etc... each one presented in a vial with a visual card.
You can go on line in their web site to experience some of the fragrances by clicking here.
photo credit: Jason Logan and The NY Times
Mapping a city by its smells
Jason Logan made an interesting map of the city of New York in Summer: a scent map where he described his journey through neighborhoods such as Soho, Little Italy, Harlem, etc... according to one thing - his nose. Delightful to read, interesting to copy. I might do that here too!!
He also listed the common and recurrent summer smells. To read the full article in the New York Times, click here.
Stockings & Scent art
Brazilian artist Ernest Neto opened in The Park Avenue Armory the first commissioned art installation called Anthropodino, in Wade Thompson Drill, in June 2009. The installation was made basically by large lycra tulles, sewed onto a system of skeletal wooden frames. Hanging from the wall, cloves, cumin, ginger and many other spices with scents. It looked like a spider's web with eggs in bags. As told by The New York Times:
"Two days earlier bags and boxes of ground spices — cumin, black pepper, ginger, cloves and turmeric, 1,650 pounds’ worth — had arrived, to be sifted into the bottoms of these socks so that when they were suspended, the weight would stretch them, and the spices would stain the tulle, giving it a kind of corporeal mottle. Within a few hours after the spice operation got under way, the entire drill hall began to smell like a hot curry."
photo credit:
Visitors could walk around inside the installation, touch the bags and smell the aroma of the spices. To look, touch and smell was one full experience!
Fashion, scent and technology
Smart Second Skin - Scentory Design by Jenny Tillotson explores the relationship between emotional clothing, aromas, colors and health, bridging the disciplines of nanotechnology, perfumery, fashion and textiles to create what they call "a personal scent bubble" that enhances the visual message of fashion with medical, sensory and psychological wellbeing of the wearer. Developed to alleviate mental and physical health problems, the delivery of odorant chemicals is controlled according to personal needs. As I understood, if you have a cold for example, the fabric of your dress will release menthol to make you feel better. If you are stressed, it will release, let's say vanilla, lavender...
They also mentioned in the site many applications such as scented linens for child care, or a scent releaser in the clothes, for you to have your own personal scent-visual experience in the movies. All the ideas are very well explained in the site! You should take sometime to read, it is very sci-fi!! Click here for the site.
I will continue to bring ideas here for you. If you know any that I haven't mentioned, please kindly send it to me. It is crucial to my work!