Sunday, May 31, 2009

The One for Men: assumindo o comando!

Avaliação feita por Moisés Lara, criador e editor do blog IN PERFUMO VERITAS

Moisés será meu único colaborador com artigos sobre perfumes masculinos.

Ele é além de charmoso, um extremo conhecedor de fragrâncias, com um senso crítico apuradíssimo e antenado em tudo que acontece no mundo das fragrâncias.

Adoro os artigos que ele publica e por isso fiz o convite.

Já na primeira publicação fiquei encantada.

Espero que vocês curtam aqui meu novo amigo sulista & amante de fragrâncias!
"O meu primeiro contanto com The One, foi puramente acidental. Eu estava procurando por outro perfume quando, por acaso me deparei com esse frasco de linhas retas, laterais espessas e tampa retangular imitando madeira.

O frasco é massivo e elegante, mas nada muito excepcional, a sensação é de mais um déjà-vu. Entretanto, a fragrância é extraordinária, tem um ar clássico, mas é inovadora: oriental, amadeirada e levemente especiada. Uma das poucas fragrâncias que encantam do início ao fim.

The One é um perfume que sobe à cabeça. Seus acordes iniciais exalam o frescor de toranja e manjericão, pontuados por uma nota mais picante de coentro amenizada pelo cardamomo. Tornam-se quase frutados e florais, o que dá ao perfume um toque feminino, necessário para provocar o subconsciente, aguçar os instintos e despertar toda a virilidade latente.

O corpo apresenta um delicioso acorde de flor de laranjeira e gengibre, agregando suavidade e calor a essa composição. É um perfume sério, quase formal, mas ao mesmo tempo inspira leveza e liberdade. É como dirigir um potente cabriolet, trajando paletó e gravata. Tem-se a sensação de ser o chefe, de estar no comando!

The One é como fugir do trânsito caótico e cair na estrada, admirando os últimos raios de sol no fim da tarde, deixando para trás o barulho da cidade e no retrovisor apenas a atmosfera densa e acinzentada pela poluição.

As notas secas e amadeiradas do cedro realçam a beleza da estrada. A sensualidade do âmbar e as notas enfumaçadas do tabaco fundem-se com o cheiro da terra e da vegetação.

Quando “pisa”, o motor responde: rumo à aventura e ao desconhecido. Ouve-se o potente som do motor e sente-se o vento batendo no rosto.

The One é assim, transmite autoconfiança, poder e sensualidade, os ingredientes que fazem o homem sentir-se único!"


OSMOART is a French association with an multifaceted approach to the sense of smell.
Stimulating the senses and bringing to the importance of odors and perfumes to our quotidian lives, the influence on our memories and behavior, and most of all, the possibilities of changing realities through them.
They promote cultural and educative events of many different proposals, such as exhibitions, animations and multi-sensorial projects.

ImagYnez - is an interactive project with olfactive cubes of odorized photos for the public to discover the perfumes and fragrances emanating from them.

They also have projects for guided visits to places such as a library, to discover the odors and scents of the places. (the leather of book covers, the scent of paper, the scent of crayons etc...).

An interesting project targeting children is offered to bring conscience to the sense of smell, the function of the nose, the difficulty to express in words of a certain smell, etc...

They also have a very nice blog for their followers that can be found by clicking here:

Check the site & blog, it is really amazing!!!

Photo credits: OSMOART

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Omnia Jade - Green Freshness

Omnia Jade - Images de Parfums
Omnia Jade is the new flanker of the Omnia colection.
After Crystalline, inspired by a crystal gem, with notes of lotus, bamboo and nashi & Amethyst, inspired by the bewitching aura of this gem, Bvlgari presents Green jade, a stone that represents beauty, harmony and refinement.
The fragrance is fresh and floral with notes of spring water and mandarines on the top, jasmine, white peonies, nasturtium and pear tree flowers in the heart, and a very interesting note of fresh pistachio, with woods and musk in the base.
Alberto Morillas created an illuminated fragrance, with a young spirit with the chic look of Bvlgary jewels.
The notes are scintillating with a spring morning aura.
It is for a woman who has sensuality but with a innocent, timid and delicate touch.
Fruit notes of pear are very delicate and involved in a fresh bouquet of white flowers. The base is slightly creamy and sensual.
It tickles and than it caresses the skin. It leaves a silk touch in the end.
Freshly uplifting for a Brazilian winter, it brings light to the spirit.
Pistachio Nuts
Pistachio is a tree found in Iran, Turkey and Afghanistan.
Usually eaten in pastries, ice creams or salty.
It has a nutty creamy smell and a natural green - ish color.
White Peonies

Sunday, May 10, 2009


L'Erbolario is an Italian brand that offers a broad range of fragrances, combining wisely cosmetology and herbalist tradition.
The name L’Erbolario was chosen from ancient term erborare, which means to gather herbs in the fields, in order to study their beneficial properties. The founders of the brand,Franco Bergamaschi, and his wife, Daniela Villa, biologist and cosmetologist started to produce family recipes and in 1978 they opened La Premiata Erboristeria Artigiana L’Erbolario, manufacturing natural, plant-based cosmetics which had valid and effective results.
They offer more than 400 products, and in my trip to Italy I had the opportunity to sample and buy some of them.
No need to say that back to SAO, I wished I had bought much more than I actually did!!
Elisir all'Acacia is one of the most exclusive fragrances that I found. A fragrant moisturizer for softening and perfuming the skin.
Elisir all'Acacia
Acacia, the symbol of platonic love is know for soothing cold hearts and mending broken ones.
I found this elixir delicate with a smooth touch, and a long lasting amazing fragrance.
It gives me a fresh sensation in the morning and embraces me with a silky touch before I go to sleep.
Flowery and feminine, the fragrance gives a springily sensation.
Crema Perfumata al Caprifoglio
Honeysuckle perfumed cream is a blast of a very powerful bouquet. Sweet and involving, it feels like a Diva treat. It is a sensual fragrance with an hypnotic long lasting perfume.
Orangerie is a line of products with oranges, lemons, citrons and mandarines fragrances that is pure Italian fresh style. Once you open any of these products, you travel instantly to Italy!!!
Credits of images: L'Erbolario.