Sunday, May 31, 2009


OSMOART is a French association with an multifaceted approach to the sense of smell.
Stimulating the senses and bringing to the importance of odors and perfumes to our quotidian lives, the influence on our memories and behavior, and most of all, the possibilities of changing realities through them.
They promote cultural and educative events of many different proposals, such as exhibitions, animations and multi-sensorial projects.

ImagYnez - is an interactive project with olfactive cubes of odorized photos for the public to discover the perfumes and fragrances emanating from them.

They also have projects for guided visits to places such as a library, to discover the odors and scents of the places. (the leather of book covers, the scent of paper, the scent of crayons etc...).

An interesting project targeting children is offered to bring conscience to the sense of smell, the function of the nose, the difficulty to express in words of a certain smell, etc...

They also have a very nice blog for their followers that can be found by clicking here:

Check the site & blog, it is really amazing!!!

Photo credits: OSMOART

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