Saturday, April 4, 2009

Profumi d'Italia Part I/Perfumes of Italy Part I

store entrance at Via di Ripetta

Have you ever wondered where we are going after we die?
How heaven looks like, and if there is one?
Well, I can assure you that not only heaven exits, but actually, I can give you the address:

PRO FVMVM ROMA store at Via Di Ripetta,10
Rome - Italy

Via Di Ripetta is one of the streets in Rome where you can experience many olfactory indulgements.
The gray stone path lead us to a road of delicious cafés and trattorias, wine degustation and amazing perfumes.

As I sat down near the fountain I realized that the street was crowded with young people, mostly art students. It was freezing cold and the shades of gray amazed me, as gray is one of my favorite colors. I am a winter kind of person, so sitting on the creamy marble to take my time, feel the cold breeze on my cheeks, smell the chilly air, the sandwiches and quick lunches of the Italians, and than with a twist of wind, be caught by the delicious aroma of brewed coffee and cappuccinos from the café on the corner (where students gather to chat and flirt) before I continue in the search of PRO FVMVM ROMA store, was really a must.

Café Ripetta

As I continued to walk Via Di Ripetta narrowed, and I passed in front of many trattorias, getting ready to serve lunch, such as La Buca di Ripetta. The smell of the antipasti and pasta al profumo di mare coming from the restaurant was simply divine! An Italian treat that all lovers of fine cucina italiana deserve.
Since I was not sure if the owner of the fragrance shop understood that I was coming, I decided to continue to walk in the direction of Piazza del Popolo and leave the tasty meal for later.

Via Di Ripetta left and right sides

I passed many interesting buildings, including the Intituto di Belle Arti and Liceo Artistico and finally I got to number 10. I didn't know exactly what to expect, but as soon as stepped in front of the store I knew I was in my own private heaven.
To start with, I was amazed that the shop had the color combination that I love the most: gray burned cement with deep coffee brown wood, creamy marble and thick glass.
Fantastic design! It is modern and clean without loosing the cozy atmosphere.
The store has special corners such as the one dedicated to perfumers, to other brands and to beautiful perfume bottles made of fine Italian glass.

Perfumer's corner

Perfume bottles' corner

I looked around a closed my eyes to smell the fragrance spread in the air and listen to the a beautiful electronic jazzy lounge sound track, that later I learned it is an audio concept of olfactory notes and experiences, produced and recorded just for the brand, called Blue Essence and sold in the shop.
At this point, the 2 hours walk from the hotel was totally worthwhile! I was welcomed by Felice, one of the 4 members of the Durante family, owner of the brand. A passionate for fragrances who loves his family history, his traditions and perfume making.


We spend at least two more hours talking about fragrances, concepts, inspirations and design.
Felice believes that the olfactory memories are the most evocative of all senses, and fragrances brings sensations, emotions and desires. They also create specific atmospheres and bring well being. And this is what PRO FVMVM ROMA is all about: it take us to different journeys, make us feel different sensations, evokes moods.
The fragrances are seductive. They involve, they caress the skin, they penetrate the soul.
Felice reflects all the brand concepts: he is a gentle and warm person, with a sincere smile and class. He involves everyone around him with the passion that he has for his fragrances and for the enthusiasm he has for life.
He presented me each one of his fragrances and products, and even chose what he thought it was my fragrance, which I happen to agree with him 100%. He understood what I am all about. I was a little bit reluctant at first because Iris usually doe not develop on my skin as beautifully as it can on others, but this was a marvelous exception!
Finally I can wear an Iris fragrance that develops beautifully, lusty, round, fleshy and sexy on my skin!!!

to be continued...

(I intend to post reviews of all PRO FVMVM ROMA fragrances and bring much more pictures I took in Rome and links related to the brand)

Click on the name to read more about PRO FVMVM ROMA


  1. Cool story waiting to part two

  2. Roma é linda, e eu estou esperando pela descrição das fragrâncias testadas.
    Como é bom tê-la de volta!! Você fez falta, sabe?!

    Mil beijocas perfumadas!

  3. Eu preciso de uma ajuda valiosa.
    Sempre busquei fragâncias com que me identificasse sem ressalvas. Usei muitas, mas com nenhuma relamente me identificava.
    Moro em clima muito quente e úmido, o tom da minha pele é azeitonado e tenho ascendência mestiça da europa mediterrânea e brasileiros. Há cerca de um ano, descobri as MINHAS frangãncias: L'eau de Cartier e Infusion d' Iris.
    Quero comprar outras marcas: Acqua de Parma e Annick Goutal, mas não sei quais.
    Vc pode me sugerir quais?

  4. Alessandra obrigada por participar. Seja bem vinda ao blog.
    Claro que posso ajudar.
    Clima quente e úmido é um dos mais complicado spara fragrâncias.
    Sugiro fugir de notas amadeiradas e muito doces ou pesadas.
    Do tipo animais, couro, baunilha, ou gourmets intensas.
    Procure florais leves e cítricos.
    O Eau D'Adrien e Nuits D'Adrien da Annick Goutal são bem apropriados para você.
    Acqua di Parma não é o meu grande amor. Sugiro marcas Italianas mais refinadas, como PRO FVMUM ROMA - acqua viva,Dambrosia.
    Sugiro que você verifique também Diptyque - L'eau de trois and The different company - Bergamote.
