Monday, April 13, 2009

Acqua di Sale Sex on the beach fantasy

Acqua di Sale is one of the most sensual fragrances of PRO FVMVM ROMA. If not the most sensual I have ever had the chance to experience.

As Felice, the owner of the brand, described it to me, it brings the experience of being barefooted on the sand of in a beach of the Italian Island of Sardinia.
To feel the Mediterranean sea breeze on the face and the sun shinning and warming the skin.
It is the mixture of the morning salty breeze and feeling of liberty of walking barefooted on the sand.
The salt notes of Acqua di Sale are very intense, very provocative.Once you feel the fragrance invading your nose, you feel the desire to touch skin.You smell the salty skin coming close to you, inviting to be caressed.
The notes of mirtle reminds us that we are in Italy, slightly sweet, slightly dry.
Cedarwood and marine algae were notes also mentioned by Felice.

Dead sea salts
It is salty fragrance but it also contains a pinch of sweetness. A perfumed salty bouquet with woody subnotes that makes you desire.
To me Acqua di Sale is not a walk on the beach. That would be too obvious. To go with the brand's definitions and marketing appeal.
Acqua di Sale is an invitation to explore the male Italian body. To touch, to smell and to lick the skin. To desire and succumb to passions.
My vision while smelling the fragrance was Cuban male model Ruben Cortada.
Although he is Cuban, he has been modeling for many Italian designers, specially to Italian underwear brand Julipet. So the relation between Cortada and Italy comes to me as fast as a flashlight.

Ruben Cortada 1 - Julipet catalog

Ruben Cortada 2
The photo of Ruben, naked, standing on a wall made of wood is my visual image of the fragrance. Hot, woody, fleshy, salty & sweaty, profound penetrating eyes, thick beard almost hurting the skin of my face.
Ruben Cortada 3
Acqua di Sale is my Italian fantasy of a man. A sweet and intense kiss of a salty and sweaty Italian man who has sparkles in the eyes.
Some women fantasizes with men in uniform, others with doctors, rich men in a shinning tux, Holywood stars, filthy and dirty truck drivers or mechanics, lifeguards ...
But we all agree, there is nothing more sexual, more intense than Italian men!
P.S.: Acqua di sale is Felice's personal fragrance.
Photo credits: PRO FVMVM ROMA, model.


  1. Olá Simone
    As meninas aqui do escritório abrem sempre o seu blog.Eu estava achando que era pelo encantamento com o universo dos perfumes. Mas hoje caí na real ao ver o seu modelo do Acqua di Sale!!
    Mas eu sou fã declarada das suas informações .E como te escrevi por e-mail, fiquei muito orgulhosa de ter a minha Olfateria em foto no blog.

  2. Colíro para os olhos e perfume para o corpo...
    Mais que isso só vários deles....

  3. Lick the skin? Sweaty? Pentrating eyes? Well, I love your way to describe perfume!!


  4. well it is a new trend olfactive porn...hahahahah

  5. Wow, nice post,there are many person searching about that now they will find enough resources by your post.Thank you for sharing to us.Please one more post about that..

  6. Nice shots and I like it. Thanks for sharing.

    Charles A
